MOBKOI has built the largest creative playground for digital media campaigns. Luxury to CPG, our solutions work to make any brand look great, feel safe and reach audiences at scale in a meaningful way.
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Our in-house studio makes informed creative decisions based on performance data. Use our latest format features to perform 3x times better than standard ads.
Our formats are built for users, politely integrated into publishers’ content, always user-initiated and quick to load, for a seamless brand and user experience alike.
Improve your average ad attention by more than 10 seconds by being the only brand on the screen, where it matters most for your audience.
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and experience it yourself
Our flexible buying models deliver guaranteed outcomes:
Select your favourite media brands from over 4,000 Publishers, 200 Sections and 14 Verticals. Be seen where it matters the most for your brand.
Reach 2B global users effortlessly. Our technology turns standard ad slots into beautiful ad experiences, allowing us to enhance the web with more entertaining advertising while enjoying unlimited scale.