Mobile Advertising Analytics.

Limited visibility into where ads are running puts brand safety and campaign performance at risk. Going above and beyond the industry standard, MOBKOI offers full site-list transparency and granular performance reporting to all clients. No black box. No open-market fills. With us, you get what you pay for: Top quality ads in premium environments.

Transparency is in Our DNA

Take advantage of a robust suite of measurement and analytics offerings that will help you understand precisely where your ads are running and how they are performing against your campaign objectives.

Full Site-List Transparency

Creative Performance Reporting

Placement and Context Reporting

Attention and Engagement Analytics

Brand Awareness and Recall Studies

Traditional and Custom Metrics Aligned to Your KPIs

Tech-Enabled Advertising Analytics

Harnessing best-in-class technology providers combined with custom-built tools, we deliver high-impact and contextually relevant mobile and desktop ads at scale. From our custom-curated site lists and airtight campaign management to 3rd party-validated reporting, cutting-edge tech is at the core of everything we do.

Transparency + Verification = Brand Safety

Engagement metrics don’t mean much when your ads are being placed on websites that are irrelevant to your brand. We believe in the quality of the creative and inventory over quantity to help protect your brand image.

  • Run ads on premium sites, across premium inventory
  • Tap into powerful cookieless, contextual targeting
  • Ensure ideal placements with full site-list transparency
  • Verify results with 3rd-party measurement

The Right Blend of Data for Ultimate Accuracy

We don’t grade our own homework. Using a powerful combination of our first-party data, client data and 3rd-party verification data, we’re able to ensure top-notch accuracy. And we make it easy. Simply send us your campaign reports, and we’ll seamlessly integrate the data into our insightful and easy-to-digest post-campaign analytics.

Elevate Your Brand with Customized Brand Lift Studies

Measure, optimize, and elevate your advertising effectiveness with our customized brand lift studies. Our survey-based approach provides deep consumer insights, allowing you to gauge Ad Recall, Awareness, Intent, Favorability, Perception, and more. Compare results between control and exposed models for a comprehensive analysis.

Amplify Results with Cutting-Edge Attention Measurement

Harness the power of sophisticated eye-tracking technology and deep attention metrics to take your campaigns to new heights. Our attention measurement capabilities enable you to gauge your own attention rates against the largest dataset of industry norms, uncovering invaluable optimization insights. Discover your optimal creative lengths, CTA placement, media mix, and more — for maximum impact.

What We Offer

  • Attention metrics
  • Attention visuals (eg. heatmaps)
  • Access to normative datasets
  • Custom questionnaire data
  • Optimization insights
Lumen Eye Tracking Visual