Display your Ads in all the right places.

Don’t let your cutting-edge creative go unseen. Ensure your high-impact ads are running on premium publisher sites relevant to your brand and are reaching the right mobile users every step of the way.

A Premium Publisher Network at your Service

We aren’t your average Mobile Advertising Partner.

Where you place your ads matters.

We know what it takes to ensure your creative is reaching the right eyeballs. Utilize our premium publisher network to place your ads where they’ll get the most engagement and elevate your brand.

Our publisher-direct activation model ensures full transparency into where your ads are running. Always.

Prepare For a Cookieless Future

Say goodbye to intrusive tracking and hello to contextual targeting.

The cookieless future is fast approaching. Are you prepared to place your ads on relevant websites without the need for cookies?

At MOBKOI, we’ve mastered privacy-friendly, contextual targeting to help advertisers run effective campaigns in the cookieless climate.

Brand Safety

You’ve worked hard to build your brand, now it’s time to protect it.

You don’t want your creative popping up on websites that aren’t relevant to your brand. Or, even worse, on undesirable or unvisited corners of the internet. Prioritizing brand safety extends to where your ads are placed each and every time.

We take brand safety seriously. With MOBKOI, advertisers can protect their brand image and elevate their campaigns through:

Premium Inventory

Make your brand stand out on premium sites

Contextual Targeting

Place your ads with the right content

+/- Keywording

Get granular with each placement

Granular Reporting

Demonstrate results to your stakeholders

Full Site List Transparency

Know where your ads are showing up

Size Matters

Larger mobile ads are more likely to win attention.

MOBKOI always keeps screen real estate top of mind. From mid-page unit (MPU) to full-screen interscroller ads, our different ad formats complement each other to capture consumer attention.

Eliminate media waste and make sure your ads are seen with engaging, unmissable full-screen inventory and more.

High Impact Formats Preview

Compelling Creative +
High-Impact Ad Formats

You can’t have high-impact creative without the right premium ad networks and vice versa.

At MOBKOI, we know what it takes to create amazing premium mobile advertising content and place it on websites relevant to your brand.

Future-proof your high-impact advertising with the combination of innovative creative, premium inventory, and contextual targeting.

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